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Remote Hearings
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Participating in an Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH)
Proceeding with WebEx


  1. What is WebEx?
  2. What equipment do I need to participate?
  3. How do I attend my proceeding?
  4. What happens if I do not attend my proceeding or technical problems prevent me from accessing the proceeding at the date and time of the hearing?
  5. Will I be able to talk to my attorney during the proceeding?
  6. What if I need an interpreter?
  7. Is there an option to participate in person?

The following FAQs apply to hearings only:

  1. How will the ALJ create a record of the hearing?
  2. How will my witnesses appear at the proceeding?
  3. What if my witness is a police officer who has been subpoenaed by the OAH?
  4. How will my exhibits become part of the record?
  5. How will everyone see the exhibits during the hearing?
  6. What if I or one of my witnesses does not have a computer or smartphone?
  7. I’m a member of the public and would like to observe a hearing.
  1. What is WebEx?

    WebEx is a web-based audio and video conferencing tool that allows each participant in the hearing to see and hear the other participants. It also allows the parties and the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) to share documents with each other.

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  2. What equipment do I need to participate?

    To participate, you need a computer or laptop with an internet connection and a web camera. You may also participate with a smartphone by downloading the WebEx app from your phone’s app store. Those attending a WebEx meeting do NOT need a WebEx’s hosting account; only the ALJ hosting the meeting needs to have an account. Alternatively, you may participate in your Webex hearing by telephone using a dial-in number (1-408-418-9388) and then entering the meeting number listed on the hearing notice, followed by the # sign.

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  3. How do I attend my proceeding?

    Please review this document for instructions on how to attend your hearing. You may also watch the video Join a WebEx Hearing for instructions on how to attend your hearing When attending your hearing you must be fully dressed and in a quiet location that will allow you to be free from distraction during the proceeding.

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  4. What happens if I do not attend my proceeding or technical problems prevent me from accessing the proceeding at the date and time of the hearing?

    If you have technical problems, you should call the telephone number on your hearing or mediation notice and explain the problem to OAH staff. If you do not attend your proceeding and you did not call the OAH, the ALJ may issue a default order. You will receive a copy of the OAH default order in the mail.

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  5. Will I be able to talk to my attorney during the proceeding?

    If you and your attorney are together for the proceeding, you may request a pause in the proceeding to confer over the telephone, except that you may not request a pause while you are testifying.

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  6. What if I need an interpreter?

    It is best to request an interpreter before your hearing or mediation by indicating on the request form that you need an interpreter for a specific language. If you did not request an interpreter before your hearing or mediation, tell the ALJ at the proceeding that you need an interpreter. The ALJ will invite an interpreter to the hearing.

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  7. Is there an option to participate in person?

    The OAH Rules of Procedure require a party to demonstrate good cause for an in-person proceeding. COMAR If you cannot participate by video or by telephone, you must file a request for an in-person proceeding and explain the reason you cannot participate. The request for an in-person proceeding must be in writing and should be sent to the OAH, 11101 Gilroy Road, Hunt Valley, Maryland 21031. The request must be received at least ten days before the proceeding.

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The following FAQs apply to hearings only:

  1. How will the ALJ create a record of the hearing?

    All OAH hearings are recorded and the ALJ is responsible for making an audio recording of the hearing. The ALJ must be able to hear each person speak, so participants should be mindful of background noises. The ALJ will utilize the “mute” function as necessary, to control the background noise. The ALJ is the only person authorized to record the remote hearing by electronic means or any other method. Participants shall not record, tape, photograph, or otherwise reproduce, save, or distribute any portion of the WebEx hearing.

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  2. How will my witnesses appear at the proceeding?

    You are responsible for notifying your witnesses of the date and time of the proceeding. You should provide your witness with the Meeting ID number found on your hearing notice. Parties may not chat, text, email, or otherwise communicate with a witness concerning their testimony during and after the witness’s testimony. Any subpoenaed witness will receive the meeting information and instructions for joining the hearing in the subpoena.

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  3. What if my witness is a police officer who has been subpoenaed by the OAH?

    The subpoenaed police officer will receive notice to appear at the WebEx proceeding. Any subpoenaed witness will receive the meeting information and instructions for joining the hearing in the subpoena. If the police officer fails to appear, the ALJ may consider the failure to appear in deciding the case.

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  4. How will my exhibits become part of the record?

    Documents may be shared with the ALJ during the hearing. If the document is on your computer or smartphone, the ALJ will allow you to upload a document in the WebEx session or to share your screen containing a document with the ALJ. If it is a paper document, the ALJ may allow you to hold the document up to the camera for the ALJ to read. The ALJ will provide further instructions for submitting a paper document if necessary. During the proceeding, the ALJ will rule on the admissibility of each exhibit.

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  5. How will everyone see the exhibits during the hearing?

    The ALJ will share pre-filed exhibits on screen with the parties. Additionally, each party in the meeting can share their computer screen with the other participants with the ALJ’s permission.

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  6. What if I or one of my witnesses does not have a computer or smartphone?

    If a party or witness does not have access to the internet and a device with a camera, they may call into the hearing with a telephone. Please call the number on your hearing notice to request a telephone hearing. The other participants will be able to hear but not see the person using a phone, and that person can hear the others participating.

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  7. I’m a member of the public and would like to observe a hearing.

    If you would like to observe a hearing, please call (410) 229-4100. The Clerk’s Office unit will provide the URL for the meeting and notify the ALJ that you plan to observe.

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